Calling All Youth Singers!
Singers ages 8-16 (treble voices only) are invited to join a special, non-auditioned choir American Harmony Youth Singers to perform for Jenny Oaks Baker’s American Mosaic concert coming to Sandy Amphitheater June 9, 2025!
Inviting treble voices ages 8-16 for a non-auditioned choir American Harmony Youth Singers to perform in Jenny Oaks Baker’s American Mosaic concert coming to Sandy Amphitheater June 9, 2025.
Grammy Nominated violinist Jenny Oaks Baker and her accomplished children, musical group Family Four present a new Americana Show that tells the story of America, highlighting the peoples, cultures and beliefs that have come together to create our beautiful and rich American Mosaic. With music by Emmy Award-winning composer Kurt Bestor, script by New York Times Best-selling Author Jason F. Wright, narration by actor and television host Ben Lomu, singing by the American Harmony Youth Singers, percussion by Jay Nygaard, as well as spirited dancing by BYU folk dancers and ballroom dancers, this show promises to inspire a greater appreciation for America, the diverse American people and the vibrant mosaic that is America!
Rehearsals will be held weekly beginning May 2025 and will run until the show on June 9, 2025. Participants should just choose one rehearsal locale in their registration form. Participants are required to attend all 4 core rehearsals, or 3 of the 4 core rehearsals combined with the make-up rehearsal at their designated locale.
Core Rehearsals (choose one locale)
PLEASANT GROVE Fridays, 4:30-5:45 PM
@LDS Church Building 905 N 500 W
May 2, 9, 16, 30
*NO rehearsal May 23 (Memorial Day weekend) *
Make-Up Rehearsal: Tuesday, June 3 from 6-7:15 pm
SALT LAKE, Thursdays 6:00-7:15 PM
@ LDS Chapel on 135 A Street, 84111
May 1, 8, 15, 29
*NO rehearsal May 22 (Memorial Day weekend)
*Make-Up Rehearsal: Thursday, June 5 from 6-7pm
*American Heritage Students only
AMERICAN FORK, Fridays 3:30-4:45 PM
@ American Heritage School
May 2, 9, 16, 30
*NO rehearsal May 23 (Memorial Day weekend)
*Make-Up Rehearsal: Tuesday, June 3 from 6-7pm
Dress Rehearsals (both locales)
Dress Rehearsal (all singers must attend in American Fork): I confirm that I can attend the MANDATORY combined rehearsal scheduled on June 6 from 4-6 PM at American Heritage School in American Fork.
Pre-Show Rehearsal (all singers) at Sandy Amphitheater: June 9, afternoon rehearsal with dinner break (bring your own or parent can pick up and take to dinner). Note: Singers need to be available from noon on as we don't have the exact times yet for dress rehearsal.
More info will be forthcoming!
Performance at Sandy Amphitheater: June 9th @ Concert 8:00 PM (calltime around 7:30 PM exact time TBA). We know that this is a late concert time for young singers. It's due to the fact that the Sandy amphitheatre is an outdoor venue and it needs to be planned around sunset. We hope that with some advanced planning (good sleep the night before!) this can be possible for your singers.
Jessica Lee Gilbert
Jessica holds a Bachelor’s degree in Piano Performance and a Masters degree in Choral Conducting from the University of Utah where she studied conducting with Dr. Brady Allred. She accompanied and sang with the University of Utah Singers on two European tours (winning the European Grand Prix for Choral Singing in 2006). She has directed choirs at Snow College; Salt Lake School for Performing Arts; American Heritage School; and the Westminster Institute Choir. She loves working with young singers and has created two community children’s choirs: the Young Choral Artists and Glee Girls. Jessica loves to accompany and has played for countless choirs and soloists, including accompanying for Jenny Oaks Baker on “Time Out for Women” programs across the country for four years. She has been a member of the Tabernacle Choir and conducted a family choir for General Conference in April 2017. In addition to directing choirs, Jessica loves musical theatre and has music directed and choreographed for many shows, including two summers at the Holton-Arms Academy Creative Summer camp in Maryland. She currently accompanies and assists the high school choirs at American Heritage School. Her favorite role is being “Mom” to her three precocious young boys who keep her and her handsome husband very busy, mostly happy, and always tired.